And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Preaching Beyond Words is a collection of websites presenting messages in various forms filled with the wisdom and revelation of Christ. At this time, when there is so much confusion in the interpretation and practice of the Bible the true message is needed, as a plumbline, to correct both our Biblical understanding and the quality of our lives.

We pray that as you walk through these website, the word from Ephesians 1:18 will come alive to you, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.”

Sonlight Devotional

Sonlight Devotional

The Pattern

The Pattern

New Hope International

New Hope International

The Living Bread

The Living Bread

End-Time Kingdom of God

End-Time Kingdom of God

Keeping In Touch

Keeping In Touch

Keeping In Touch for KIDS

Keeping In Touch for KIDS

Relief and Development Organizations

The following websites contain information about our organizations dedicated to working with the indigent people in various countries. Our vision is to empower these people with the Word of God so that they would have basis for their lives. Nevertheless, as God always works in the realm of both the spiritual and natural together, we are not only preaching the Word to these precious souls but also providing them with the natural means that help to change the environment in which they live (for example, education, business loans, etc.).

Reaching Beyond Words

Reaching Beyond Words

Kingdom Message Ministry Foundation

Kingdom Message Ministry Foundation

Firstfruits Christian Academy

Firstfruits Christian Academy

Reaching Beyond Words Ethiopia

Reaching Beyond Words Ethiopia


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