And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

What is Preaching Beyond Words but a small cog on the wheel of a living mechanism that the Bible calls the Body of Christ. It is insignificant in size, but as necessary in some respect as the most insignificant cell or organ in the natural body. Preaching Beyond Words is but a handful of dedicated people who have, over the last forty years, put their energy and support to the proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all over the world (Matthew 24:14). This website has been created for that purpose and that purpose alone.

We are a part of a local church fellowship that is connected with other such fellowships, not only within the USA, but in many other places around the world, by our belief in Jesus Christ, our common love for one another, and a common vision of God’s plan for the end of this age concerning man and his part in it. There are no legal affiliations, memberships, nor individual leaders that join us together; it is the mutual agreement amongst the fellowships that we participate with that we are to be a living organism and not an organization. It is not only our common goal and understanding of God’s plan and purposes for the day we live in, but there is a common desire to facilitate God in His desire to have a people who He will walk and talk in. Our only burden is much like the burden that is upon the heart of the human body – to pump the living Blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, to the outermost extremities of the Body of Christ that is even now being formed in the uttermost parts of the World.

We believe in “body ministry” and recognize that the only position of authority lies in our ultimate surrender and subjugation to the Head of this body which is Jesus Christ. We believe that a close and intimate relationship with God is the necessary key to recognize and respect the word of the Lord through even the youngest of brethren. We do, however, recognize certain individuals that we believe God has placed in our midst who hold strong mantles and specific ministry to the Body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). In one respect, they are no different than any other and they are required of the Spirit to respect the ministry of anyone else, even the littlest of members in the Body. On the other hand, there are certain authority and leadership abilities that God has placed in them (Ephesians 4:11-13). Those placed in this capacity are not novices in moving in the things of the Lord. They are “tried and true,” and typically have lived a life that exemplifies integrity and an unshakable love for the Lord and His Body.

In summary, we are just a small part of many true believers around the world that make up the worldwide Body of Christ and, as the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:14, “We press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”


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