Preaching Beyond Words

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Dear Brethren,

I wanted to share with you some of the comments that were given concerning this last Youth Conference that was held at Gold Springs Academy in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. For me personally it was an exciting as well as a refreshing time of spiritual renewal. I was very much aware of the presence of The Lord, and His desire that He has for us as a Father, who wants to see His children walking in righteousness; that we as His children might achieve the goal of sonship by virtue of the way that He has provided it to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

If I were to summarize the experience of the meeting spiritually, the scripture reference that provoked this thought for me personally, is found in Isaiah 30; for it gives us a view of how He, The Father, views the activity of the church of the First Born, the Holy Place people in this critical space of time and eternity.

Isaiah 30:1-2-The chapter starts by identifying the problem;

(KJV Strong’s) ​1 Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin:
2 That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

As the Word of The Lord continues it deals with the consequences that come because of the position and the lack of relationship; for His children desire to find some other source of strength, peace and security, then that which He, the Father can provide and give to them. He, the prophet, says the problem is not in the environment for it is in the hearts of His children.

Isaiah 30:9-11
(KJV Strong’s) 9 That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: 10 Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: 11 Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

Isaiah 30:12-14-Clearly defines the response of The Father to such a rebellion and sedition concerning the plans and purpose that He had put into place concerning our position of salvation and the predestinated, fore ordinated goal that He had set for us

Even as it is so, The Father’s attitude toward the situation, even in judgement; it is always redemptive if the hearts of His children repent and ask for His forgiveness.

Isaiah 30:15 (KJV Strong’s) 15 For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength:

If you would really want to understand the perspective that The Lord has concerning your position of commitment to THIS WORD, I suggest that you read the entirety of this chapter, keeping in mind what is being spoken and as you read the various testimonies, ask the Lord to examine your own heart and we each should assess our own personal relationship to The Father in light of this particular word of Sonship.

Brother Burt



Sister Debbie

The Youth Camp of 2018 was from Wednesday the 8th of August to Monday the 13th of August. We experienced the visitation of GOD in a different and more powerful dimension that we’ve never experienced before. You could say that the theme for this camp was Lifestyle Change. Read more…

Brother Urias

As the days went by, the fire in the camp only grew brighter and brighter. The message in the camp was wholly about a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and CONSECRATION TO GOD. The word came in various forms from various vessels, but it was apparent that God wanted to deal with this issue in our lives. Read more…

Sister Ruby

As I consider the movement of God in this year’s Youth Conference, it seems very prophetic to me that this is the 7th year of holding these meetings. It was a time of renewal for me and I believe also for several of those who attended. Read more…

Brother Chinazom

This camp meeting was indeed a prayer training camp as we took out time to pray about certain issues severally.  We spent lot of time responding, praying and prophesying God’s word into our lives and making definite decisions. Read more…

Brother Marc

This camp meeting was the third youth camp that I have participated in Nigeria, Port Harcourt. We are at the end time. We are a generation that the Lord is building for the next step the world is going to. We therefore need a specific preparation for this specific purpose. Read more…

Dear Readers of Our Websites,

Even though we haven’t been in touch with you for a while, we have been busily working on our new developments and are ready to share them with you:

  1. We have established a new non-profit organization in Ethiopia. The main objective is to give widows and orphaned & needy children in Ethiopia a new future through hope, care and education. You can find us at Reaching Beyond Words Ethiopia.
  2. In order to support the programs in Ethiopia, we have established a fundraising operation selling coffee called More Than Coffee. God has been very good to us in this aspect giving us favor with our coffee supplier as well as buyers. We trust Him for His leading and guidance in this area.
  3. The Patternby Brother Cecil J. duCille has been made available in various electronic formats including epub, mobi (Kindle), rtf, pdb, etc. You are welcome to download it for free following this link.
  4. As usual, there are a number of updates from the Philippines at Kingdom Message Ministry Foundation.
  5. Audio messages from the recent conferences can be found following this link.
  6. KIT and KIT for KIDS websites have changed their addresses and can be found at and
  7. Following is the list of our latest mission reports:

We trust you will be blessed and edified by these additions to our websites. May the Lord keep you in the palm of His mighty hand.

In His service,
PBW Staff

We are pleased to let you all know that a couple of our websites have been recently updated with the following audio and video files:

  1. New Hope International: Audio messages from the recent trip to Nigeria.
  2. End-Time Kingdom of God: Audio messages by Bro. Mark Jantzi covering 2013 teachings.
  3. Butter & Honey: Praise & worship video from the recent youth camp in Nigeria.

May the Lord bless you as you partake of His glory.

God has been moving gloriously in Africa and we have been privileged to partake of this glory. Following are a few highlights from our recent trip to some of the West African countries:

  1. West Africa Chronicle – Part 1 – Port Harcourt, Nigeria by Br Mark Jantzi
  2. West Africa Chronicle – Part 2 – Legos, Nigeria by Br Mark Jantzi
  3. West Africa Chronicle – Part 3 – Monrovia, Liberia by Br Mark Jantzi
  4. West Africa Chronicle – Part 4 – Freetown (Lakka), Sierra Leone by Br Mark Jantzi
  5. The African Chronicles – The Nigerian Adventure by Br Burt Asbill
  6. Report from Nigeria by Br Chris Asbill

Philippine Report by Br. George Herrig

For the past several days it has been on my heart to write a summary concerning our trip to the Philippines. As I am on the plane somewhere over the Pacific (Northeast of Korea), it seems to be the best time. This trip to the Philippines has kept us quite busy each and every day while we were there. As I write, I wonder how I can convey to you all that we saw, witnessed and were a part of. This report certainly cannot contain it all but what I can share is indelibly written on my heart… Read more…

2013 Nutrition Month Celebration

July 31 marked another successful Nutrition Month Celebration as mandated by the Department of Education office. This year’s theme was “Gutom at Malnutrisyon, Sama-sama nating wakasan” or, for those of us who don’t understand Filipino, “Hunger and malnutrition, let us end it together.” One of the objectives of this 2013 theme was to increase awareness of hunger issues and malnutrition… Read more…


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