And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

This camp meeting was the third youth camp that I have participated in Nigeria, Port Harcourt. We are at the end time. We are a generation that the Lord is building for the next step the world is going to. We therefore need a specific preparation for this specific purpose.

The first meeting we had was a prayer meeting. A brother led us in prayer using Joshua 3:5 “…, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” It was a wonderful moment that gave direction to the rest of the camp. There was a fire set that was burning higher every meeting.

The next day the word shared was calling us to a change of life style. The Lord is not only calling us to sanctification but a complete change of life style. There are only two life styles, only two destinies, there is no middle road: child of perdition and child of the Father. The original thing that God intended is that we should be like Him. To achieve this goal, we must be ready to pay the price; death-to-self. Self has to die. If self is not dead, we will be living a carnal life, a hybrid life. Rev 3:16, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

These meetings have helped to reduce the gap between what we have been hearing and our realities. I understand that the Lord will do what He promised to do even if it doesn’t seem to change. But the process is going, things are changing to make it perfect, to make it 100 fold; 100 fold required 100% commitment. John 17, We are in the world but we are not supposed to be part of it. Because Jesus is calling us to have the glory that He has at the beginning in John 1. The word Jesus gave the disciples is for us now. This word is a word of sanctification, consecration and dedication. The picture of the tabernacle shows us that God has set an appointment for us in the Holiest of all. He is calling us to be sons that abide, servants cannot abide in the house.

Altogether, like Joshua and Moses there is passing of mantle but there is a course to be paid. The Lord has been preparing us for a leap. For that we need to fill our vessels (Matt 25), and even borrow vessels (2 Ki 4:3).

During the camp I felt a fire that the Lord has started in my life, this fire must keep burning in order to keep going up. This camp was not a youth camp, but an encounter where God met us to bring a change in our lives.


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