And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

Philippine Report by Br. George Herrig

For the past several days it has been on my heart to write a summary concerning our trip to the Philippines. As I am on the plane somewhere over the Pacific (Northeast of Korea), it seems to be the best time. This trip to the Philippines has kept us quite busy each and every day while we were there. As I write, I wonder how I can convey to you all that we saw, witnessed and were a part of. This report certainly cannot contain it all but what I can share is indelibly written on my heart… Read more…

2013 Nutrition Month Celebration

July 31 marked another successful Nutrition Month Celebration as mandated by the Department of Education office. This year’s theme was “Gutom at Malnutrisyon, Sama-sama nating wakasan” or, for those of us who don’t understand Filipino, “Hunger and malnutrition, let us end it together.” One of the objectives of this 2013 theme was to increase awareness of hunger issues and malnutrition… Read more…

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